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Do I need to have a service? The importance of a modern funeral

There are no legal requirements to have a service of any kind, but it is worth thinking about why funerals are held at all.


In virtually every culture around the world, throughout history, people have gathered together to mark the passing of a loved one.

It is a time when the life of a loved one can be celebrated, memories are shared, the family of the deceased can be supported by friends and family, and any religious rituals carried out. Although religion for many has become less important, the core elements are still very important. The funeral marks the day to say goodbye while being supported, and the person who has passed away to be celebrated and remembered whilst saying goodbye. It is also human nature to need closure, this is a primary function of the funeral. As well as that, it is incredibly important for people to follow their loved one to their final resting place, joining them in their journey. As time has passed the religious aspect has become less important to some, but a service of some sort is still important to most. 


The modern funeral has changed; music is used more as a means to inspire memories, visual tributes are utilised so everyone gathered can see photos through the person's life, webcasts are now regularly available at most crematoria so people everywhere in the world can be present, civil celebrants and humanists are now called upon more so the service itself can be more personal to the deceased's wishes in the place of a firm religious structure, and the variety of coffins have become so extensive that they too can be incredibly personal. 


Of course, people have differing views on the importance of a funeral, and for those that are religious or have certain faith, the funeral will mark the final rites. The funeral will happen at a holy place of worship, before a burial or cremation takes place. 


Either way, with the body actually being present, you will be able to say goodbye, and mark the moment, with your loved one being present. 


It is very much a day for the family and friends, as well as the person who has passed away, it allows a day of immense grief to happen, to help the mourning process. Some would say it is just as much a day for the mourners as it is for the person who has passed away. 


The choice is an individual one, and there is no right or wrong.


Finch & Sons are happy to assist with the arrangements regardless of what your requirements are. We can arrange for a Direct Cremation to take place, a full church service or anything in between.


If in doubt, please feel free to contact us and have a chat about what we can do to help you and to fulfil your wishes.

231 Queensway, Bletchley, MK2 2EH

Finch and Sons

Call 01908 367777

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